- (716) 881-1024
- contact@allentown.org
- 61 College Street Buffalo, NY 14201
Get Involved
Ensure Allentown.org website visitors find your business by adding or updating your business information in the Allentown Business Directory.
Your business information will be listed on the sponsorship page when you sponsor allentown.org. The bottom of each web page will have a link to the sponsor page.
Dedicated web page for your business integrated into the Allentown Association website that displays key information such as location, directions or hours of operation, plus a business description, menu highlights or simple inventory overview. This is a good choice for small businesses looking to establish a web presence, but that don’t need dynamic or constantly revised content.
Your logo will be featured in a side box on the home page and other pages of allentown.org, in rotation with other Platinum sponsor logos. To become a sponsor or to learn more, please contact us at sponsorship@allentown.org.