Allentown Association Annual Meeting 2014
(Click above link for powerpoint presentation)
On Tuesday, October 28, 2014 the Annual Meeting of the Allentown Association was held at the Karpeles Manuscript Library North Hall at 7:00 PM.
Association President Jonathan White presented an overview of accomplishments from the past year followed by a report of Association finances from Treasurer Kelly Martin and two items of business that required a vote of the members present.
White reported, among other things, an increase in membership over last year, a renewed focus on member services that includes regular office hours three days each week and successful events that raise awareness of Allentown, bring people to the neighborhood and generate revenue for the Association. Notable this year were the sixteenth year of the Allen West Festival in June, new walking tours presented in collaboration with the Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural National Historic Site June through October and a revived Fall Festival in October.
Martin reported total Association assets of $202,510.26 of which $66,197.74 is unrestricted and $136,312.52 are held as restricted funds. Approximately $36,000 is held liquid in checking and savings accounts to serve the business needs of the Association and the remainder is held in investment accounts. Of the restricted amount, $116,875 is held as Board Restricted funds to be used for special projects in accordance with uses defined in the by-laws and $19,437.52 is held for the gas meter beautification grant program administered by the Allentown Association.
An proposal was presented to members to amend Article III: Boundaries, Section 1 of the Association by-laws to change the corporate boundaries of the Allentown Association currently described in the by-laws to be congruent with the New York State and National Register Allentown Historic District boundaries, approved in 2012 by the New York State Historic Preservation Office and National Park Service.
A motion to approve amendment was made by David Granville and seconded by James Nash. The motion was unanimously approved by the members present.
Caitlin Crowell, Chair of the Nominiating Committee presented a slate of nominees to serve as directors of the Association for the coming year.
Nominees put forward included returning directors Christopher N. Brown, Paul (Pete) Carroll, Steven Earnhardt, Robert Fink, Brian Gould, GretchanGrobe, Barbara Hart, Stanton H. Hudson, Jr., Kelly Martin, Ekua Mends-Aidoo, James Nash, Andrew Pace, , Henry Raess, Jillian Stiefel, Max Stephan, LaineWalnicki and Jonathan L. White and new director nominees Seth Amman, Trina Burruss, Christopher Poole and Kevin Rabener.
Caitlin Crowell moved to elect the slate presented by the nominating committee, the motion was seconded by Richard Haynes. The motion was unanimously approved and the nominees were all elected to the Board of Directors for the 2014-2014 board year.
Following the election Jonathan White answered questions from the membership, after which the meeting was closed.
Robert Fink made a motion to adjourn the annual meeting, seconded by Gretchan Grobe. The motion carried and the 2014 Annual Meeting of the Allentown Association was adjourned.